Monday, June 3, 2013

My Angel

This is Libby.  She is 8 years old and the most amazing little girl I've ever known. 
Libby developed typically, hitting all milestones until 18 months.  It felt like over night she was trapped in her own body.   On July 31, 2007 she was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome.   Rett Syndrome is a debilitating neurodevelopmental disorder that has taken away Libby's ability to speak and use her hands with purpose.  She has seizures and breathing irregularities, GI and feeding issues.  She gets tired easily and is unstable.  There is no cure.  But even with all of this against her, she is so happy, funny, and smart.  I thank God every day for trusting me with such a delicate angel.  She has taught me more than I'll ever be able to teach her.  Her patience, love, and trust are overwhelming.  She makes me appreciate the smallest things in life.

We need a cure.  There is promising research that gives us hope that one day she will escape from this broken body.  Please donate to help fund this research.